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建筑防水词汇中英文对照 4 (91 -120)总261
建筑防水词汇中英文对照:(01-30) | (31-60) | (61-90) | (91-120) | (121-150) | (151-180) | (181-210) | (211-240) | (241-261)
91、矿物棉及其制品纤维平均直径试验方法 Test method for the average diameter of fibers constituting mineral wool and its products
92、矿物棉及其制品渣球含量试验方法 Test method for the shot content of mineral wool and its products
93、矿物棉及其制品酸度系数测定方法 Determination method for acidity coefficient of mineral wool and its products
94、矿物棉制品吸湿性试验方法 Test method for the moisture absorption of mineral wool products
95、膨胀珍珠岩绝热制品抽样方案和抽样方法 Sampling schemes and methods for expanded perlite insulation
96、膨胀珍珠岩绝热制品试验方法 外观质量 Test methods for expanded perlite insulation--Outset quality
97、膨胀珍珠岩绝热制品试验方法 抗压强度 Test methods for expanded perlite insulation--Compressive strength
98、膨胀珍珠岩绝热制品试验方法 密度和含水率 Test methods for expanded perlite insulation--Density and water content
99、预应力混凝土输水管 (震动挤压工艺) Prestressed vibrohydropressed concrete pipe for water
100、预应力混凝土输水管(管芯缠丝工艺) Core type prestressed concrete pipe for water
101、建材用石灰石化学分析方法 Methods of chemical analysis of limestone for building material industry
102、建筑材料与非金属矿产品白度测量方法 Method for measurement of whiteness of building materials and non-Metal mineral products
103、玻璃纤维短切原丝毡片粘结剂在苯乙烯中溶解时间的测定 Textile glass chopped-strand mats--Determination of time of dissolution of the binder in styrene
104、玻璃纤维毡片单位面积质量的测定 Textile glass--Glass mats--Determination of mass per unit area
105、纤维增强塑料燃烧性能试验方法 炽热棒法 Test method for flammability characteristics of fiber-reinforced plastics--Incandescent rod method
106、纤维缠绕压力容器制备和内压试验方法 Method for preparation and internal pressure testing of filament wound pressure vessels
107、用于水泥中的粒化电炉磷渣 Granulated electric furnace phosphorous slag used for cement production
108、钢丝网水泥用砂浆力学性能试验方法 总则 Test method of mechanical properties of mortar for ferrocement--General principle
109、钢丝网水泥用砂浆力学性能试验方法 抗折强度试验 Test method of mechanical properties of mortar for ferrocement--Test of bending strength
110、钢丝网水泥用砂浆力学性能试验方法 抗压强度试验 Test method of mechanical properties of mortar for ferrocement--Test of compressive strength
111、钢丝网水泥用砂浆力学性能试验方法 劈裂抗拉强度试验 Test method of mechanical properties of mortar for ferrocement--Test of tensile splitting strength
112、钢丝网水泥用砂浆力学性能试验方法 轴心抗压强度试验 Test methods of mechanical properties of mortar for ferrocement—Test of axial compressive strength
113、钢丝网水泥用砂浆力学性能试验方法 静力受压弹性模量试验 Test methods of mechanical properties of mortar for ferrocement—Test for static modulus of elasticity in compression
114、钢丝网水泥用砂浆力学性能试验方法 泊松比试验 Test methods of mechanical properties of mortar for ferrocement—Test of poisson’s ratio
115、钢丝网水泥用砂浆力学性能试验方法 粘结力试验 Test methods of mechanical properties of mortar for ferrocement—Bond test
116、水泥比表面积测定方法 勃氏法 Testing method for specific surface of cement--Blaine method
117、混凝土外加剂的分类、命名与定义 Classification, nomenclature and definition of concrete admixtures
118、混凝土外加剂匀质性试验方法 Methods for testing uniformity of concrete admixture
119、建筑材料难燃性试验方法 Test method of difficult-flammability for building materials
120、建筑材料可燃性试验方法 Test method of flammability for building materials
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